We Are the Body of Christ SG 9

The Bible’s teaching about the gifts of the Spirit is given in the context of both church life and fellowship, and love, and any use made of them in isolation from these is just asking for trouble. This is the first of two talks therefore on the whole area of corporate fellowship, and the fact that we are called to be the Body of Christ on earth. The nature of this body is examined, along with the implications for us as individuals in being a part of it. Wrong thinking is dealt with and scriptural balance is carefully maintained throughout. This talk is, in effect, a general overview of the subject of the church.

Building the Church SG 10

If the last talk was of a general nature then this one is somewhat more specific. The Body of Christ includes all believers, past, present and future, yet this huge conglomerate body of people is broken down at any one time, and in any one place, into the smaller units of individual churches. And it was this particular manifestation of it to which Jesus referred when He said, “I will build my church.” The nature of such churches is therefore examined, and the term defined according to the Bible as distinct from some usual, but incorrect, Christian definitions. The part we are meant to be playing in a church is explained and the nature of true Christian fellowship outlined. For those who like to have things placed in order of importance, Beresford here goes on record as saying that he believes this is the third most important thing that there is.

Love SG 11

You may not know now what Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians has to do with sandwiches, but you certainly will after listening to this. Beresford explains why, of all the different Greek words for love available to them, the writers of the New Testament chose agape in order to define the love of God which we are called to show both to each other, and to the world. But before defining what this agape love actually is, he gives a somewhat unnerving demonstration as to what it isn’t necessarily. 1 Corinthians 13 is just about one of the best known chapters of the entire Bible, and yet also one of the worst for translation, with it’s true meaning not coming out particularly well in the English language at all. The original Greek is therefore explained in some detail and the full import of what Paul was teaching brought out. There is a wealth of information here that every Christian needs to both know and understand.

Compassion SG 12

Having given a general introduction to the subject of love in the previous talk, Beresford now begins to break it down into some of its component parts, with compassion being one of the most important, yet also least understood, aspects. What has compassion to do with being angry? Why does philosophical romanticism and scepticism need to enter the picture here? Why did Jesus snort like a stallion and then burst into tears? These and other questions are answered to show that compassion is actually what the incarnation of Jesus, and therefore Christianity itself, is all about.

Love God, Neighbour and Yourself SG 13

Taking Jesus’ teaching about the greatest commandment this study demonstrates that without a good and right relationship with ourselves we will never have good relationships with other people. Yet the only way to maintain a good relationship with oneself is by remaining in a good, right and solid on-going relationship with the Lord. The problem, however, is that you can only be in a good relationship with Him in so far as you have a correct understanding of Who He actually is, and therefore of the sort of Person He is as well. Many Christians believe in a God who doesn’t actually exist because they believe things about Him which are simply not true; things, in point of fact, that are quite literally the lies of the devil. These demonic little deceptions are therefore here dealt with in a thorough description of just how lovely, and loveable, to say nothing of absolutely wonderful, the Lord really is. This talk will do you the world of good and should be heard three times a day before meals.

The Fruit of the Spirit SG 14

The series continues with an examination of the fruit of the Spirit as outlined by Paul in his letter to the Galatians, and in the light of the previous talk Beresford shows how it relates to our relationship with the Lord, our relationships with other people, and our relationship with our own selves. Common misconceptions are dealt with and the true nature of this fruit clearly defined. Once again the original Greek is explored, this being the only way to fully understand what Paul was actually meaning. And the truth of this passage is shown to be that it is actually a parallel passage to 1 Corinthians 13, and that in both those places Paul is simply speaking of Jesus and the kind of person that He is, and how He wants to just carry on being Himself in, and through, us as His people. What more could we possibly want?

1 Corinthians 10 – 14: An Exposition! SG 15

The series concludes with this talk which was added at a later date. The whole thing about the gifts of the Spirit is put into its biblical context in this study of the five chapters in which Paul deals with the issue as to how a biblically based church ought to meet and function when it comes together on the Lord’s Day. Beresford brings out some things from these chapters which most believers are completely ignorant of and demonstrates just how wide of the mark most churches are regarding these issues. A fascinating and fitting end to the series!

Traditions Series Introduction

These talks demonstrate how much Christian belief and practice, especially in regards to church life, structure and government (or ecclesiology, as the theologians like to call it), is not actually based on the Bible at all, but rather on traditions handed down through the ages which originated from wrong teaching given by the leaders of the early church in the years following the death of the original Apostles.

Controversial subjects are thereby here tackled head on, but we believe it to be vitally important that it be done. Although these studies contain a fair bit of technical and historical material, along with some conclusions that may cause some offence, Beresford passes it all on in his usual humorous, interesting and easy to follow way.

The Tradition of the Elders TR 1

This first talk establishes from the Bible the two kinds of traditions there are, and shows which, as Christians, we should, and should not be accepting. The background to the conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders in Israel is shown to have been something that scripture calls the tradition of the elders, and the origination and development of this is traced, and the damage it was doing to the Jews as the people of God demonstrated. The varying names by which it was called are also explained and its root problem, that it denies that the Word of God alone is sufficient for establishing belief and practice, is clearly revealed.

Jesus and the Tradition of the Elders TR 2

Having seen what this tradition of the elders actually is we now move on to find out what Jesus thought about it. And what we discover is that far from being neutral, or somehow accepting of it, Jesus’ reaction was actually one of complete non-acceptance and total and open antagonism! In fact, He absolutely hated it and declared war against it, and some of the ways in which He did this are actually rather amusing. And something quite fascinating emerges as Beresford shows how Jesus proved that He was Israel’s Messiah not only according to the Old Testament and its teachings, but according to their beloved tradition of the elders as well. Beresford also quite clearly demonstrates from the Word of God that the Jewish religious leaders actually sought Jesus’ death in the full knowledge that He was the promised Messiah.

The Tradition of the Early Church Fathers – Part 1 TR 3

These studies now move uncomfortably close to home as, having demonstrated the serious error of Israel’s tradition of the elders, Beresford proceeds to show how Christian version emerged. We are introduced to the Early Church Fathers through their own writings, and the uniqueness of their position, that they did not then have the fully compiled New Testament as did the church later on, is explained. Quite understandably in such circumstances wrong teachings began to appear, but the real problem was that they were not corrected once the church did have the entire New Testament at its disposal. And it is precisely those teachings which the Early Church Fathers got wrong that are such a big problem today, because rather than being phased out not only were they retained, they were actually given authoritative and inspired status to boot. By testing the writings of the Fathers against the New Testament, Beresford reveals and explains their foundational error which inevitably became the seed-bed in which their other errors naturally grew.

The Tradition of the Early Church Fathers – Part 2 TR 4

Beresford now demonstrates, again by comparing the actual writings of the Early Church Fathers with the New Testament, the other false teachings which sprang up from their foundational one. He also demonstrates how Bible-believing scholarship is unanimous in its understanding of the fact that these traditions and practices are not what the Bible teaches, but are rather just what the Fathers handed down to us. However, Beresford puts himself at variance with these scholars, and with most other believers as well, by arguing the simple point that such practises should therefore be totally renounced and rejected, and that Christian churches should be completely re-formed to hold only such beliefs and practises which accord with the actual teaching of Scripture, and to therefore return to being how the churches we see in the New Testament were. A controversial position to hold indeed!

A Summation TR 5

Beresford chose to call this talk a ‘Summation’ as opposed to a ‘Summary’ due to the fact that it is an American legal term denoting the concluding statements made by opposing counsel in a court case. And this nicely sums up his contention, here outlined, that the Christian church is actually well and truly in the dock’ over these issues, and somewhat without excuse regarding them too. And although fun was had by all during this talk it is not really what one would call a fun subject. We truly are convinced that the issues dealt with in this series, and summed up in this talk, are among the most important that churches face today. God is crying out through His Word for a people who are in obedience to His every known and understood directive, and Beresford therefore pulls no punches in communicating that fact here. Nothing, however sacred it may be considered to be, is here spared from the process of being held up to the light of the truth of the Bible in order to be declared either as being of God, or a deception that must be renounced in obedience to the Lord.

Question and Answer Session TR 6

Various questions from the floor are here answered and Beresford clarifies issues surrounding what churches should actually be like in practical terms. He describes in detail the life and practice of the church here in Chigwell, and deals with the vitally important questions concerning leadership, church government and the relationship of itinerant/apostolic ministries to the individual churches they work with. A fascinating and practical end to this most important of series.